And she took snuff, too; of course that was all right, because she done it herself 再说,她自己就吸鼻烟,那当然是做得对的喽,因为是她这么做的嘛。
And you never saw me take snuff; the reason being that in my snuff-box i carry a piece of parmesan cheese-a cheese made in italy, very nutritious 可是你从未见过我闻鼻烟,因为在那鼻烟盒里面,我放了块巴马干酪一种意大利产的干酪,非常的滋补。
And when her mother had those raging splitting headaches who was it rubbed on the menthol cone on her forehead but gerty though she didn t like her mother taking pinches of snuff and that was the only single thing they ever had words about, taking snuff 当她妈妈头痛欲裂的时候,替她在前额上擦锥形薄荷锭的不是别人,正是格蒂。不过,她讨厌妈妈吸鼻烟的嗜好,母女之间也仅仅就吸鼻烟一事拌过嘴。